- 글번호
- 140556
- 작성일
- 2024.12.04
- 수정일
- 2024.12.04
- 작성자 신현수
- 조회수
- 123
2024년 제8차 산업경제연구소 세미나(12/11(수) 김정열 교수)
2024년 제8차 산업경제연구소 세미나(12/11(수) 김정열 교수)
산업경제연구소에서 2024년 제8차 세미나 일정을 안내 드립니다.
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----- 아 래 -----
발표 논문 제목
: Single- vs. Multi-Jurisdictional Leniency Policies: An Experiment
: 2024. 12. 11. (수) 11:00 - 12:00
: 9호관 210호 (경제학과 대학원 세미나실)
: 김정열 교수 (KDI 국제정책대학원)
논문 초록
: As multinational corporations have become more common, the need for a multi-jurisdictional leniency program that recognizes leniency applications submitted to other antitrust authorities has recently emerged. This paper employs a laboratory experiment to study the effects of single- and multi-jurisdictional leniency programs on cartels. The findings are twofold. First, neither leniency program effectively reduces the rate of cartel formation. Second, the effectiveness of detecting cartels is similar between the multi-jurisdictional leniency program with guaranteed full immunity and the single-jurisdiction leniency program. However, the multi-jurisdictional leniency program that does not guarantee full immunity for applications submitted to other competition authorities is less effective at detecting collusion than the single-jurisdiction leniency program.
기타 문의
: 산업경제연구소 간사 윤영진 (Tel. 032-860-7780 / Mail. youngjin@inha.ac.kr)
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